November Market Update

As summer fast approaches us here in Tasmania, we are excitedly enjoying more sunny days down in Tasmania. But if November is known for anything…

As summer fast approaches us here in Tasmania, we are excitedly enjoying more sunny days down in Tasmania. But if November is known for anything it is hit and miss weather, so we are certainly making the most of those sunny days by getting outdoors and exploring more of Tasmania. You can see some of our adventures here on Instagram.

November Market Update

It has been yet another busy month for us here at Buyers Agents Tasmania. Properties are continuing to be bought and sold at a rapid pace, with many of our clients looking for their first home. After a series of failed attempts to purchase properties in Tasmania, these first home owners are engaging us as their buyer’s agent to ensure their offer is competitive and oftentimes, we are successful with our purchases.

For a deeper update on the November market, check back in on 30th November for our full breakdown.


To Market


October Market Update