If you’re considering investing in property in Tasmania, making the move to our island state or simply interested in property market performance in Tasmania, you’ll find the latest information and reports right here.
Tasmania regains top spot as Australia’s best-performing state
Three months. That’s all it took for Tasmania to regain its crown as the nation’s best-performing economy in the latest quarterly CommSec State of the States…
What’s happening in Tasmania’s property market?
It’s nearly time to say goodbye to 2022, a year that was decidedly less ‘eventful’ than its immediate predecessors. However, amid the calm came a…
Three reasons why this is a great time to buy
Contrary to what you may have heard in the media, this is actually a great time to buy property in Tasmania, whether you’re an investor…
The homebuyer’s guide to regional Tasmania
The recent property boom saw Hobart cement its status as one of Australia’s best-performing property markets, after prices there soared by a stunning 28.1% over the 2021…