Investor blown away after we find him ‘needle-in-a-haystack’ property

There were three reasons why this was such a good piece of business.

An ambitious property investor came to Buyer’s Agents Tasmania with a seemingly impossible request.

This investor had a small budget of under $380,000. Yet they wanted to buy a free-standing unit. And they wanted it to be a positive-cashflow asset.

Very few buyer’s agents would be able to execute on this brief. Yet by working our contacts hard, we were able to source and secure the ideal property, within two weeks.

There were three reasons why this was such a good piece of business.

First, we negotiated the purchase well under budget, for just $349,000. Second, the property we found was not only a freestanding unit but also in near-new condition. Third, it was paying a strong rent of $380 per week, for a fantastic yield of 5.7%.

Needless to say, the investor was delighted with Buyer’s Agents Tasmania, because there’s no way they would’ve been able to find this sort of asset on their own.

Also, thanks to the positive cashflow, we ensured our client was well placed to purchase another investment property in the future.

To discuss your options, call 0439 639 508, email or fill in this online form.

Remember, this article does not constitute financial or legal advice. Please consult your professional financial and legal advisors before making any decisions for yourself.


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