After investor experiences 12 months of rejections, we secure him a property in just 7 days

Buyer’s Agents Tasmania found this investor a property within seven days. Yes, seven days.

Can you imagine how frustrated you’d be if you missed out on property after property for an entire year? And, even worse, if all this was taking place in a hot market so that your purchase price kept rising and rising?

This was the situation facing one investor when they contacted Buyer’s Agents Tasmania after a year of frustration.

This investor’s problem was that, in a hot market, they’d been up against lots of buyers who were able to move fast. To the investor’s credit, they weren’t willing to settle for a low-quality property. But with the market rising all the time, that wasted year had cost them some serious capital growth.

Buyer’s Agents Tasmania found this investor a property within seven days. Yes, seven days.

How? Because we’ve built strong relationships with real estate agents and we’re able to move fast. So when an agent comes to us with a deal, we can quickly assess whether the property meets our client’s criteria – and, if so, make a firm offer. Agents know our offers are serious, which is why they often advise their vendors to accept. As a result, we’re able to take a property off the market before other buyers get a sniff.

On this occasion, the investor gave us a $500,000 budget and we were able to negotiate a $485,000 purchase price. Even better, they were able to rent out their wonderful new asset for $480 per week, giving them an impressive yield of 5.1%.

To discuss your options, call 0439 639 508, email or fill in this online form.

Remember, this article does not constitute financial or legal advice. Please consult your professional financial and legal advisors before making any decisions for yourself.


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